rextendr - Call Rust Code from R using the 'extendr' Crate
Provides functions to compile and load Rust code from R, similar to how 'Rcpp' or 'cpp11' allow easy interfacing with C++ code. Also provides helper functions to create R packages that use Rust code. Under the hood, the Rust crate 'extendr' is used to do all the heavy lifting.
Last updated 1 months ago
9.40 score 203 stars 61 scripts 271 downloadsb64 - Fast and Vectorized Base 64 Engine
Provides a fast, lightweight, and vectorized base 64 engine to encode and decode character and raw vectors as well as files stored on disk. Common base 64 alphabets are supported out of the box including the standard, URL-safe, bcrypt, crypt, 'BinHex', and IMAP-modified UTF-7 alphabets. Custom engines can be created to support unique base 64 encoding and decoding needs.
Last updated 14 hours ago
6.00 score 16 stars 3 dependents 4 scripts 805 downloads